Friday 16 September 2016

                                           Awakening to the light

I am writing this out of my love for the guru, who has taken charge to awaken me to the light within..
this is a poem from my side where I am trying to pour my views and gratitude towards him

At his holy feet, I sublime
his thoughts,his energy his being became mine
this ecstasy of his union has become so sweet over time
O deathless one your compassion has bound me such,
how do I know what's yours what's mine
my only prayer to you my guru
make my life an expression of the divine

Guru literally word means the dispeller of darkness,I do not think guru should be seen as a physical entity but he must be perceived as something non-physical
I would like to share with you a poem of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev who is  a profound mystic and yogi of our times which according to me describes the best of what a guru is and what possibilities does he carry.

Flames of fire shall burn you not,
Cold climbs shall freeze you not,
Deep waters shall drown you not,
Ceaseless chasms shall bury you not,
Hold my hand and taste the eternity
I am not a scholar nor a philosopher
nor am I a heap of wisdom

I am just an emptiness

have a brush with this,you shall dissolve


Here sadhguru tries to ignite people of what a guru is, as said he is not a scholar nor a philosopher but he is just an emptiness. Emptiness may feel dumb-down to us but we should not fail to understand that it is a vast emptiness which is the basis of everything in this creation and even more than 90% of an atom is empty.
I am lucky to be in the grace of guru in two physical forms,physically they may be two but i am aware that there is only one guru in this existence.He may take many forms but essentially he is one.
my experience of a guru is so overwhelming that any amount of words will fail to describe it but out of joy and bliss, I am trying to share my feeling through this post.

Different people may perceive and experience guru in different ways .some may perceive him through a stone some through a  person and some in the formless.Actually, it does not matter by what means you reach a guru but for sure it matters that you have an experience of the boundless,eternal gu-ru.
Swami Vivekanada says:

"Find the teacher ,serve him as a child open your heart to his influence see in him god manifest"

So all of you reading this post make an aim in your life to transcend your limitations,to go beyond your boundaries and to become a disciple of a god-like divine guru who comes and awakens you to the light.But one should not waste time going to find a guru,if you are prepared enough guru is bound  to arrive.
The process of being on the radar of a  guru starts when a person begins to realize his ignorance in daily walks of life.This may sound rude but the blunt truth of human life is in spite of all the knowledge and industry boom we all are  ignorant of the phenomenal intelligence which runs the entire universe if we just look at nature it is very amusing and intriguing to see how everything functions in a flow and a rhythm the stars shine,the sun shines the clouds burst nobody knows how existence functions but one thing is sure that some tremendous intelligence is making things work if you take my advice we all must take off some time from our busy schedules and we must acknowledge that intelligence which is the cause of everything in this creation.  
A seed may be in a dark deep space but it always aspires to grow towards light that is the beauty of creation every form of life on this planet aspires to grow and blossom in its own way.An egg hatches to become a magnificent bird,a caterpillar leaves its cocoon to become a butterfly. everywhere on this planet, there is striving towards a higher possibility.
Our Indian culture has presented this in the most beautiful way:

असतोमा सद्गमय ।                                      asato ma sadgamaya
तमसोमा ज्योतिर् गमय ।                                tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ॥                                      mrityormaamritam gamaye
ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः ।।                             om shanti shanti shanti
From ignorance lead me to truth
from darkness lead me to light
from death lead me to immortality

All this reminds me of a law that everything is trying to evolve continuously the evolution never stops if this is true then even a man can evolve and blossom into a truly magnificent being one whom even the gods would be envious of.if even the tiny creatures on this planet are seeking to grow why not we human beings strive for it why not we stretch our boundaries every day why our existence on this planet be caught up in mundane when we are designed for greatest adventures.
if someone begins to realize and ask himself these questions there begins his journey towards greatness and there comes the need of a guru because going beyond our boundaries without any help requires a great amount of effort which all of us are not capable of but if we have the grace and support of someone who has shed his boundaries,who is beyond all the limitations then the path to rediscover our true greatness and potential becomes very easy. 
Once the energies of the master touch you there's no looking back,life never remains the same .He becomes an envitable and indispensable part of your life his warm radiant presence floods every aspect of your life.slowly  as you begin to follow the path given by him you begin to realize 


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